
So you don't have to.


Email Marketing

...Has the potential to bring in 10-40% extra revenue for businesses.But I know you don't want to spend hours writing those boring old emails yourself.That's why I'm here.


Throw Any Copy At Me.

The principles of persuasive writing pervade all forms of the written word.Whether you need:ADs, BLOGs, SCRIPTs, WEB COPY & More.I've got you covered.


Oh shoot... I already covered everything?

Here's a couple things about me:I operate on two fundamental principles:Self-reliance and a relentless determination to learn.that's just to say...I won't need my hand held to deliver you results.

Here's all of my work

Just kidding.Clients always have completely different needs & requirements.Let's find out exactly how I can help you personally.(I'll be happy to show you a sample of work specifically tailored to your particular needs)

contact me

$999,999it's free.

Don't wait too long. Prices will go up soon.just kidding....

I think something's wrong with your device... you didn't submit the little form up there.but for real... let's see how I can help you

Still on the fence?
fine... I'll toot my own horn a bit

  1. I'm Lighting Mcquick When it comes to tapping away on my keyboard.

  2. I'm reliable asf
    I'll be like that friend you can always count on.
    just kidding - there's only room for business here... unless?

  3. I'm Trustworthy
    I'm probably a complete stranger you don't even know. You shouldn't trust me - yet... ;)

© lucky-copy 2023. All rights reserved. haha if you're reading this - what are you doing with your life? go submit the form already or something.